Sunday, 6 November 2011

No Question

Some time ago I worked for a company which had a bad reputation. Within the sector this company was well known for its meager rate of pay, poor treatment of staff, exploitation of the industry and thoroughly unlikeable managers. Stories were often told about employees who fell out of favour with management and were quietly asked to leave. Others about employees who, after years of faithful service were unceremoniously dismissed on a whim. I worked in fear of the day when I would be summoned into that room and asked not to return.

Although I don't know why.

I say I believe in a God who created the whole universe, who spoke and the stars listened, whose one breathe gave birth to an entire human species and who understands every language, notion and gesture ever made. Because we are his- he knew us before we had the ability to know ourselves, he has cared for us from the very beginning of existence. I can trust him with a little thing like a job and I can trust him with a little thing like money and I can trust him with a little thing called family...or so I say.

But what I do is something different.

What I do is take things into my own hands, what I do is act in my own power, what I do is rely on my own strength, my own friends, my own self, me.

Although I really don't know why.

I have the power of the universe at my fingertips, I have the breath of the Creator on the tip of my tongue, I have an abundance of resources at my disposal, so what stops me from getting started? If I believe in a God who created light out of darkness, and speaks strength into weakness, who walked the earth healing the sick and caring for those uncared for, what prevents me from walking in the same way? When Jesus says "Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27)  when he has been to the grave and back, then truly what do I have to fear? Only myself and my own shortcomings, which surely God can make up for in his immense grace. It's like being given an opportunity to work with the greatest employer, in the most important company in the world, who designed a position specifically for me, but instead of agreeing to work with him I turned him down.

But who would do that?

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